About Us

Bracs This started off as a Side Hustle back in 2019. I was a consultant for many direct companies,( Avon, it’s works, paparazzi) But, I always knew I wanted to be my own boss and that what I did. Why would I make someone  else Rich?

2020 was the year of vision!  Covid hit us hard . February 2020 I had my 1st event selling my products and selling what I made. Then the worst happened and everything  closed , oh wow! Between 2020&2021 I made sure I perfected my craft, so when I did more events when things started to go back to normal  I would be ready. Being a consultant prepared me to become the business owner I am today, April 2022 I left my job to focus on my business full time. I’ve done events in Dc and more states to come.

my Goal is to Have everyone wearing my bracelets.